We are all Albaicin ///

We are all Albaicin

International Council for Caring Communities
Honourable Mention
Granada | Spain

The Quarter of the Albaicin, declared Patrimony of the Humanity by the UNESCO, is suffering a complicated ageing that is progressively leading people to leave the neighborhood and tangentially a reduction of services considered essential which are affecting, above all, to the old people who have grown up there. The building works as a sleeping volume along the Darro river, trying to develop a parallel boardwalk which is going to offer a lot of services to locals and visitors.

As a paradigm of accessibility, the building joins the old Puerta de Los Tableros with the former Hotel Puerta de la Alhambra, leaving aside the road traffic and creating a nice experience as a complete overview of all the riverside and the neighborhood. All the program is developed like an open-plan where all the uses are mixed, trying to create a lot of possible situations where all the people can contribute. 
So the building concentrates differents uses as a service of shuttle bus to connect the Vega with the crops are going to be cultivated in the vegetal roof, recovering an essential part of the legacy of Granada and the old people, who are going to have the opportunity not only of cultivating this crops but to create a relationship with visitors and young people.


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